Bouquet of Ranunculus


Bouquet of Ranunculus


Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its Bouquet of Ranunculus.

Composed of 3 stems of ranunculus and 2 stems of eucalyptus.


*Colors at the florist’s choice according to our arrivals.


Care tips:

The buttercup is a flower that needs space and lots of water.

– Cut 1 inch off the stems at the bevel when receiving the bouquet.

– Place the bouquet in a flared vase.

– Fill the vessel with cold water only (no hot or warm water).

– The vase should be filled to the brim with cold water, adding more as the water evaporates.

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Bouquet of Ranunculus


Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its Bouquet of Ranunculus.

Composed of 3 stems of ranunculus and 2 stems of eucalyptus.


*Colors at the florist’s choice according to our arrivals.


Care tips:

The buttercup is a flower that needs space and lots of water.

– Cut 1 inch off the stems at the bevel when receiving the bouquet.

– Place the bouquet in a flared vase.

– Fill the vessel with cold water only (no hot or warm water).

– The vase should be filled to the brim with cold water, adding more as the water evaporates.