Dried lavender bouquet


Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its Bouquet of dried Lavender imported from Provence.

The lavender is certified Bio France.

We recommend the Brooklyn Vase 5.5 inches.

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Dried Lavender Bouquet

Le Jardin de Mathilde offers you its dried Lavender Bouquet.

Lavender is cultivated in Provence in the South-East of France. The bouquets are imported by our supplier located in Montreal, specialized in the importation of fine products from this beautiful region. We therefore have access to a premium quality lavender that is now certified organic. The bouquets are composed of many fleshy and fragrant sprigs. Simply in a vase, our bouquet of dried lavender will scent your apartment and brighten your living space.

Certified organic by Bio France.

We recommend the Brooklyn Vase 5.5 inches.

Weight 4 kg